For the past few weeks, the media has had a field day quoting Barack Obama’s spiritual adviser, Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s statements – most of which were taken out of context. It matters not to the watchdogs of the moral front that Rev. Wright’s name holds no significance in the race for the White House.

Obama’s camp has pointed out time and time again that Rev. Wright is not running for public office – Obama is. But the media paid them no mind.

As the media pack chased their collective tails, we almost forgot that Hillary Clinton was in the race for the democratic nomination. It’s hilarious that Rev. Wright has received more press in two weeks than Clinton has in two months. But now Hills is back in the news – and not in a good way. There’s a scandal brewing over comments she made about her 1996 trip to Bosnia as first lady.

Last week Clinton had this to say about her Bosnia trip (I’m paraphrasing here): as soon as I stepped off the plane, the tarmac was strafed with sniper gunfire and I was forced to take cover behind my daughter Chelsea, who suggested we haul our asses out of there.

Well, leave it to a comedian to expose Hillary’s lies. How ironic is that? Sinbad, who was on that trip with the Clintons, recalls an entirely different scenario occurring on the tarmac that day.

Once Sinbad made his revelation, some media outlets took it upon themselves to dig up old newsreels of Mrs. Clinton arriving in Bosnia. What do you know, there were no snipers at all. In fact, Hillary, Chelsea and Sinbad were greeted warmly by Bosnian officials.

Bloomberg News reported that Clinton and her staff claim she misspoke when she said she landed in Bosnia under heavy artillery fire from Bosnian rebels. (Again, I’m paraphrasing here) Clinton said, I did make a mistake when I said I almost took a direct hit from machine gun fire and mortar shelling. “I was sleep-deprived. I misspoke.” And, oh, by the way, I would have left any church that had Reverend Jeremiah Wright as a pastor.

You think that last part was a dig at Obama?

In a negative piece which aired two nights ago, ABC World News reported that, “In light of the Bosnia incident, Clinton’s other foreign policy experience will now face tougher scrutiny.”

HELLO! This is only what Obama has been asking the media to focus on all along.

But the media was too busy analyzing the musings of an eccentric old man – to remember that truth is the goal when delivering the news.