Four days after a Philadelphia policeman was gunned down by brazen bank robbers, 15 officers dragged 3 black shooting suspects out of their vehicle and beat them with their fists, feet and batons after a slow speed chase. The incident was caught on tape by a FOX news helicopter.

The beatings drew a firestorm of protests from the mothers of the 3 suspects and city officials including the Mayor. “I burst out and cried. I was appalled,” said the mother of one of the suspects after viewing the video.

In the media’s rush for ratings following the incident, very few reporters mentioned the fact that police officers witnessed these guys shoot three men.

Police Commissioner Charles Ramsey said undercover officers witnessed the 3 suspects and an unidentified male open fire on three drug dealers on a corner in a drug-infested neighborhood. Ramsey said the three then got back into their car and fled the scene.

One of the shooters escaped on foot, but police – who apparently take the their duty to protect the citizens of Philadelphia seriously – pursued the vehicle knowing the suspects had guns and weren’t afraid to use them.

Like I said, few media outlets are mentioning the shooting – just the aftermath including soundbites of the outraged mothers calling for justice. But where is the justice for the shooting victims? Where are the soundbites from their parents?

Within hours of the beatings, police provided mugshots of the suspects to the media. Minor injuries are visible on two of the suspects. Now let’s see the injuries of their victims – you know, the ones who they shot? Or are the shooting victims insignificant in the media’s race for ratings?