On Greta’s blog today, a reader asked what’s the deal with Obama’s mother-in-law moving into the White House when Obama gets the keys from Bush on January 20.

I love Greta’s answer:

I think – if President elect and Mrs. Obama want this- it is a great idea for President Elect Obama’s mother-in-law to move to the White House. The job of President and First Lady is non stop…. 24/7… and if having another family member in the White House can help make it easier for the children and their parents, it is smart to do. Their family is going to be turned upside down in the next 4 years and to the extent it can be made easier, more “normal” and less pressure for them, the better it is for the country. By the way, it is common for family members to visit at the White House.

I totally agree. What’s the point in hiring a nanny when you can get the same service at a fraction of the cost by asking a family member to do it?

Photo: Getty Images