I heard that Beyonce got Jay Z on the phone and chewed him out shortly after stories began circulating on the blogs about him partying stateside with his ex-roommate Larry Johnson like he was single again while she was off touring in Europe.

They say Jay Z didn’t waste any time packing his Viagra and an overnight bag and rushing to Beyonce’s side in Barcelona, Spain. His plan is to take in the sights in Barcelona with Bey while making sure the paparazzi trail along to get all their shots so he can get back to the states and begin his tour.

I LOVE that vest Bey is wearing. I wonder who she borrowed it from? Certainly someone with style and impeccable taste. I tried to buy a vest like that one last month but it was sold out everywhere.

By the way, I hear that once Jay Z saw Ciara’s dismal CD sales, he cut half of her dates on his upcoming tour. That’s what I heard but please don’t quote me on that.
