Barack Obama had another “Joe the Plumber” moment during an ABC News’ special on health care reform, anchored from the White House by Diane Sawyer and Charles Gibson.

Obama opened his mouth and stuck his foot in it when a neurologist asked him if he would seek other “extraordinary” alternatives to his proposed government run public health plan if diagnostic tests weren’t performed in a timely manner for his wife or children — which is exactly what the wealthy from socialized countries do now.

As a registered nurse I have cared for wealthy foreign patients who were denied timely medical care in their own countries where health care is socialized.

From ABC News:

Dr. Orrin Devinsky, a neurologist and researcher at the New York University Langone Medical Center, asked the president pointedly if he would be willing to promise that he wouldn’t seek such extraordinary help for his wife or daughters if they became sick and the public plan he’s proposing limited the tests or treatment they can get.

[Obama replied] if “it’s my family member, if it’s my wife, if it’s my children, if it’s my grandmother, I always want them to get the very best care.”

So in other words, what’s good for the rest of us is not good enough for Obama and his kinfolk?

America is the last country in the free world where all citizens (and illegal immigrants) have the same access to quality health care (via emergency rooms).

We don’t want socialized medicine here. Medicare and Medicaid programs are already in place for those who are uninsured. Obama should work on expanding those programs instead of implementing a government monopoly insurance plan that would drive private insurance companies out of business and force our dependency on the government for health care.

Anyone who’s ever been to a free clinic knows what I’m talking about.