There has been an interesting development in the Times Square bombing case: a 30-year-old Pakistani Émigré was arrested last night at JFK airport. FBI agents said the man was attempting to flee the country to go to Dubai.

Federal authorities had already identified Faisal Shahzad, a naturalized American citizen who lived in Connecticut. Shahzad had just returned from a 5-month “terrorist training camp” in Pakistan, where we presume he was taught to build the crude bomb that was found packed into a smoking SUV in Times Square on Saturday.

The bomb failed to ignite and a passing vendor saw the smoke and alerted a cop. But experts say had the bomb exploded, it had the potential to kill hundreds and destroy property for several blocks.

Here’s the interesting part: Shahzad will not be considered a Muslim extremist because remember the White House has already said Muslim extremists do not exist.

The Taliban was quick to claim responsibility for the attempted bombing — and the White House was just as quick to call them liars.

Now the White House is backing off of their previous denials, because, well, they have to in the face of mounting evidence that even the lap dog media can not ignore.

Your president Barack Obama lived in Pakistan for a time back in the 80s. So he has a soft spot in his heart for Pakistani terrorists. He wants to pass an immigration bill that will make it that much easier for the terrorists to get over here and bring their crude home made bombs with them.

So expect the White House to tap dance around the fact that this guy is a home grown terrorist and that terrorism has now become a part of our every day lives. No longer will we be able to enjoy sporting events or tourist attractions in relative safety.

Now we not only have to worry about the random muggers, thieves and carjackers in our streets, but we also have to worry about the occasional suicide bomber who probably got a free pass from the Obama administration to come over here.

Obama is already up in arms about ILLEGAL immigrants being harassed in Arizona.

After saying they doubted the bombing had “international links” (we still haven’t heard the word “terrorism” yet in connection with this case), the White House now agrees that the bomber had “international links.” Why not just call a spade a spade — or a terrorist a terrorist?

On Monday, authorities in Bridgeport, Connecticut came thisclose to admitting a terrorist cell is operating within their midst. A Connecticut man said an “Arabic” looking guy bought a Nissan Pathfinder from him last month for a few hundred dollars. There was no paperwork recording the sale.

That Pathfinder was recovered in Times Square packed with fertilizer, propane tanks and gasoline tanks with enough punch to raze a small village.

Then early Sunday morning, persons unknown in Connecticut uploaded a video to Internet showing the Taliban bragging about the attack. The website was registered one day before the attempted bombing in Times Square.

Repeat after me kids: Barack Obama says Muslim extremists do not exist.