The major news networks are questioning the leadership of US president Barack Obama for his administration’s turtle’s pace response to the Gulf oil disaster.

The Kool aid drinkers will say Obama is doing the best he can. But during Obama’s campaign for president, he highlighted George Bush’s lack of response to the Katrina catastrophe — and he said he would do better than Bush.

Well, so far, all Obama has done is sit on his hands and deflect blame everywhere else but where it belongs: on his doorstep.

During a live remote from the shorelines of Louisiana last night, ABC’s “World News” anchor Diane Sawyer reported on the “anger” that is focused on Washington. “We saw a pickup truck that had a hand painted sign that said ‘BP + The Feds = Another Katrina,'” Sawyer reported.

ABC News contributor and Democratic strategist Donna Brazille (who once was an unapologetic kool aid drinker) is now furious at Obama and his administration for not being “tough enough” towards BP. Brazille is a native of Louisiana, where oil from BP’s crippled rig is blackening the shoreline.

CBS News’ anchor Katie Couric reporting from the Louisiana coastline, slammed Obama and the EPA for limiting a chemical that could sop up the oil spilling from BPs oil rig at the rate of 2000 barrels per day. She spent half of her hourly newscast reporting on the massive oil leak.

And CBS’ White House correspondent Chip Reid reports “critics on Capitol Hill just weren’t buying what the White House was saying about the government’s role in all of this and whether they could do more.”