Remember when you and your friends rushed to the polls in 2008 in hopes of electing the first biracial president to the White House? You had high expectations that this president would do more for black people than any other president (except for Abe Lincoln, Kennedy and Clinton).

Well, a controversial decision by the Obama administration has just set black people back a hundred years in Dayton, Ohio.

Last week, the U.S. Department of Justice (under Obama’s orders) put pressure on Dayton’s Civil Service Board to lower the police recruit exam’s passing test scores because too many black recruits were failing the test.

The original passing scores determined by Civil Service required candidates to answer 57 of 86 (66 percent) questions correctly on one portion and 73 of 102 (72 percent) on the other. The lowered benchmark requires candidates to answer 50 of 86 (58 percent) questions correctly and 64 of 102 (63 percent) of questions on the other. Source

Naturally, the citizens of Dayton (whose taxes will pay the salaries of these unintelligent officers) are outraged at the rule change.

Who wants to live in a city where certain members of the police force (regardless of their skin color) can’t pass a basic competency exam by at least a C minus? If a D is all that is required to pass the exam, why give the exam at all?

Zachary Williams is among those who are outraged.

Williams, 21, is one of 225 black applicants who took the November police entrance exam. He doesn’t know if he passed because the test scores were rejected by Obama and the Justice department due to the large number of black applicants failing the test.

Once the scores were lowered, Williams (pictured above) and the other black applicants were given a 2nd chance to take the exam. But Williams thinks lowering the test scores so that more blacks can pass is the wrong method.

“This isn’t your normal 9 to 5 job,” Williams said. “I don’t want to be in a department where I was hired because of my skin color. I want it because I earned it.”

Community leaders agree with Williams and said the Justice Department’s method stigmatizes blacks.

Keith Lander, chairman of the local Southern Christian Leadership Conference, said the lowering of the test score “is a slap in the face to black people.

“Black people are not dumb,” he said.