Last night’s episode of BET’s “The Game” was right on time. Didn’t you want to hug Jason Pitts (Coby Bell) through the TV when he quit his TV show to spend more quality time with his daughter, Brit Brat, who was spiraling out of control? What a powerful message of responsibility and maturity! Too bad it won’t alter the mindset of certain single fathers in our community who really needed to grasp the message of the episode.

In last night’s episode, Jason struggled to right the wrong that he’d done to his only daughter by placing his selfish needs above hers. In real life, Bell and his wife, Aviss, 42, don’t have such problems. Jason and Aviss have 2 sets of twins — 3 girls and a boy. “We were trying for a boy and ended up with a boy and a girl!,” Bell told Life & Style magazine in 2009.
