After observing “models” with low self-esteem, loyal reader Taylor Hyde figured out that she didn’t have to take her clothes off to give her self-esteem a boost.

Submit your photos: If you think you have what it takes to be considered for a Morning Glory post, please email your best studio quality photos and bikini shots to sandra @ (remove spaces).

Hi Sandra,

I enjoy your blog especially for your followers they are so feisty! I’ve taken liking to your section for Morning Glory most recently after you posted a “model” from the Baltimore area who ironically, out of a group of many others, is the reason I decided not to pursue what some would call modeling. I started taking pictures when I was 16 it was a form of expression. I was always picked on and tormented, told I was ugly, etc etc….. Soo I started “modeling.” Some were paid gigs, some to build my portfolio, even a few magazines here and there. I felt like I really had potential. Even with the lack of resources living in Baltimore Md I still managed to make a small name for myself and had the full package to take it

Until certain females in the area started calling themselves models and taking A** pictures all of the time for no compensation or purpose behind it. That’s when I stopped and realized that I was in an identity crisis just like the rest of these females. I was just smart enough to get myself out. I feel as though it’s important to teach these young girls to just be themselves and nobody can ever take that away from you. This society puts so much emphasis on having a huge butt and breast and looking a certain way that it has ruined the minds of my generation and it’s going to ruin the minds of the ones to come. Once I dug deep to realize a “sexy picture” doesn’t define who I am, and me staying true to Taylor does, I’ve never stopped being happy.

You dont have to look a certain way to be deemed attractive. You dont have to have a huge butt and breast to be recognized for who you are. Once i stopped “modeling” and started showing people who Taylor really was people took to me more and I felt better than ever about myself because I wasnt seeking validation from a bunch of people who could never make me happy in life.

Im 21 now majoring in mechanical engineering (I love cars and want to eventually build one) and pursuing entertainment marketing, which I’ve been pretty successful in over the years. Modeling is great and fun but only when you’re in it for the right reasons. All of this to say where are the role models??


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