McDonald's tattoo

Stian Ytterdahl, 18, of Norway, was so impressed by his visit to McDonald’s that he had his receipt permanently tattooed on his right arm.

Stian will never forget Monday, March 24 — the day he tasted McDonald’s fast food for the first time.

After telling his friends about his tasty fast food experience, they encouraged him to tattoo the receipt on his arm for posterity.

“It’s funny to think that I have a tattoo no-one else has before,” he told newspaper Romereskes Blad.

“Now I’m a living billboard, but I think all this is just fun,” he said. “Maybe it’s not as fun when I’m 50 or 60 years old, but it’s my choice.”

Margaret Brusletto, Communications Director with McDonald’s in Norway, denied that the tattoo was a publicity stunt.

She said: “We’re obviously talking about a very loyal customer.”