Omar Slim White

After the break, friend of the blog Omar “slim” White dispenses relationship advice from a male’s perspective.

By Omar “Slim” White:

Relationship Advice 101

In order to have a successful relationship, it requires both parties involved to posses the act of humility.

The reason humility is so important is because it causes a person to deal in truth. With this understanding you’ll realize how certain behavior patterns you’ve grown accustom too, may actually be detrimental inside that union.

Always remember that humbling yourself opens the door for compromising. You’ll never find someone who does everything you’re expecting of them, every single time. With that in mind, you’ll be able to resolve issues and accept constructive criticism which may help that other person LOVE you the way you’d like to be LOVED.

The Ego must be eliminated and submission must flourish.

Here’s an example:

I was working out one day and lifted two hundred & fifty pounds 37 times on the flat bench. To be honest those reps were phenomenal but my form was horrible which is the only reason I could do so many (I was cheating myself). So once I humbled myself I realized that in order to bench press efficiently and develop my pectoral muscles properly, it would require my reps to go down. Would you believe that I dropped all the way down to only ten reps? Although it looked awkward amongst my peers I decided to stick it out for several months and fight. Not only am I back at 30 reps but now I use proper form and my chest is fuller.

This example is what happens when you humble yourself and submit yourself for the greater good.

Ego will always protect you but how can you grow if you’re always in defense mode?

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