Scrappy Erica child support drama

It’s obvious that producer Mona Scott-Young ran out of fresh script ideas on last night’s episode of Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta. So she cued the lawyers to reenact child support drama between Scrappy and Erica Dixon, a’la Usher vs Tameka and Ludacris vs Tamika.

We know this is fraudulent because Scrappy Loves his only daughter, Emani Richardson. She never wants for anything. Scrappy single mom raised him well.

Scrappy at his daughter at Streetzfest 2015 in Atlanta

But let’s pretend that this fake child support battle is for real, and that Erica is really taking Scrappy to court to force him to pay child support: did Erica forget where she is?

Scrappy Erica child support drama

This is Fulton County, where gold diggin’ baby mamas are lower on the totem pole than pond scum. Judges here in Atlanta are notorious for taking the rapper’s side over their baby mamas. The best Erica can hope for is a few dollars more than what she’s getting now.

It isn’t like Erica and Scrappy aren’t drawing the same reality show paychecks.

Watch the full episode below.