father son Minions costume

A photo of a man and his son dressed in Minions costumes while on their way to the cinema is capturing hearts everywhere.

The photo was snapped on a subway train by a Reddit user who then uploaded the pic along with the caption, “Father of the year award goes to this gentleman who was taking a very excited boy to the movies.”

The Minions are animated single-celled yellow creatures who wear matching overalls and work goggles permanently. They’ve been around since the beginning of time but, having no minds of their own, they resign themselves to always following their masters. If their master die off (like the dinosaurs) they go out in pursuit of new masters to follow — not unlike ‘followers’ on social media who sit and wait patiently for celebrity updates to give them life.

The ‘Minions’ movie opened at #1 and just surpassed the $400 million mark in ticket sales after just one week.

Most of the comments under the Reddit photo were positive. But one Reddit user wrote, “Son of the year award goes to this little trooper, letting his dad use him as an excuse to feed dad’s minion obsession.”

This comment seems closer to the truth than the wistful commenters who see a father indulging his son’s passion for the animated cartoons.

I think the little boy (if that’s even a boy) looks embarrassed to be seen in public with his father dressed like an eternal cartoonish slave. But that’s just my humble opinion.

What do you think? Should the father be a man and let his son wear the Minion costume by himself? Or is the father an attention-seeking sap who used his son to indulge his own passion in cartoons?