gay celebrity children

The emergence of singer Sade Adu‘s daughter Ila Adu as a transsexual sparked an interesting conversation on about the prevalence of gay and transsexual celebrity offspring.

It’s easy to pick out the narcissistic celebrity parents on They are the ones who constantly put their children on public display for affirmation, compliments and ‘Likes’ on social media.

Such parents are often emotionally and psychologically wounded people. Their children are well-dressed, perfectly groomed extensions of themselves.

According to Psychology Today, narcissists compensate for the emotional damage they suffered as children by emotionally neglecting and abusing their own children behind closed doors.

Actress Faye Dunaway played narcissistic parent Joan Crawford in the classic movie Mommie Dearest.

joan crawford

The late psychotherapist Elisabeth Young-Bruehl coined the term “childism” to describe the narcissist’s distorted belief that a child exists to serve his or her parent’s needs.

The child is called upon to give the parent the love and attention they didn’t receive in their own childhood.

Narcissists expect their children to parent them. In the process of role-reversal the child becomes responsible for the parent’s emotional needs.

It shouldn’t come as a surprise that children of narcissistic parents grow up to be gay or transsexual/transgender as they seek out their suppressed sexual identities.


No narcissist wants their child to upstage them publicly. So the child suppresses signs of his or her independence.

Young-Bruehl writes that these “high performance trophy kids” are often emotionally starved for attention as the narcissistic parent dominates the household. If the narcissist is a woman, she prefers a milquetoast man who won’t challenge her decisions.

Many know the tyranny of one parent who dominates the household, subjugating the other parent and one or more children to their needs. This type of narcissistic parent demands a “trophy spouse” and “trophy children” to enhance his or her esteem and inflate their social standing in the world. Source

Most of these high performance trophy kids grow up to be narcissists themselves. Then the vicious cycle is repeated with their own children.