Donald Trump

Here is a screenshot from a video broadcast by Iranian television that shows $400 million in cash sitting on a wooden pallet. U.S. President Obama denied sending the cash to Iran under the cover of night in exchange for the release of 4 Muslim Americans.

BBC Persian reporter Hadi Nili posted the video footage on, along with the caption, “this was just part of the ‘expensive price’ to release Americans.”

The White House and the leftwing media insisted this video did not exist.

CNN was among the leftwing news media that bashed Presidential candidate Donald Trump for repeatedly asserting the claim that such a video existed.

“They have a perfect tape, done by obviously a government camera and the tape is of the people taking the money off the plane, right?” Trump said. “That means that in order to embarrass us further, Iran sent us the tapes, right?” he added.

President Obama claimed the $400 million was a refund to the Iranians for cash that was seized during an embargo something-or-other.

But in an interview recorded months ago, one of the hostages confirmed that the plane he was on was forced to wait hours for another plane to arrive at the airport.

The cargo plane from the U.S. carrying the $400 million in Euros and French francs finally landed, and the hostages were released.

In the past Obama has insisted the U.S. does not negotiate with terrorists holding Americans for ransom.

2 more Americans have been captured and held hostage in Iran after Obama shipped the pallet of cash to the Iranians.

The Democrats continue their troublesome habit of blatantly lying to the American people whenever it suits Obama’s anti-American agenda.

In the meantime, the $400 million will almost certainly be used to fund terrorist acts against the U.S.