Mickailia Adu

Sade Adu‘s sexually confused daughter is documenting her journey to becoming the father she never had. Mickailia Ila Morgan, aka Ila, announced on Instagram.com that she’d started taking male hormone injections last month.

People are most vulnerable when they are confused and searching for answers. The more vulnerable they are, the easier it is to manipulate them.

Thanks to Obama’s Gay Agenda, stud lesbians like Ila are now convinced that they are “men”.

Ila started taking male hormones to “transition” into a “man” by inducing male characteristics such as facial hair, body hair, a deeper voice, etc.

What Ila doesn’t know is that the excessive Testosterone she’s taking will increase her risk for uterine fibroids and uterine cancer.

Excessive Testosterone also causes acne, male pattern baldness, aggression, mood swings, and irritability.

The side effects of too much T also includes irregular bleeding (or no periods), and severe abdominal pain.

The severe pain is due to the thickening of the uterine walls because she is not shedding the lining of her uterus every month like females are supposed to.

The abdominal pain will cause her even more emotional distress because the pain will remind her that she is a woman.

Thanks to the Obama administration, we are seeing a higher level of dysfunction in the gay community than ever before. For the first time in decades, more black women have begun taking excessive amounts of male hormones to become the fathers they wish they had.


It’s sad to see beautiful young women so lost and confused that they believe being a man means looking and acting the part.

More and more men and women are participating in same-sex marriages and childless unions that will lead to our extinction.

If God intended for women to procreate with each other, we would all be amphibians and fertilize our eggs outside our bodies.

We have to do better. And doing better starts with putting our children first!

Fathers, love your sons and daughters so they don’t grow up looking to replace you.

There is no cure for homosexuality but it can be prevented in children.

FYI: This is NOT an Open Post. Please stick to the subject.