Dr Bornstein Donald Trump

The secret behind President Donald Trump’s full head of hair has been revealed. For years rumors swirled that Trump’s splendiferous blond coif was due to hair plugs.

Dr. Harold Bornstein, Trump’s personal physician, told the NY Times Trump takes a small dosage of the drug Propecia, which is normally prescribed to treat enlarged prostate and prostate cancer.

Propecia is also marketed as a treatment for male pattern baldness. Common side effects of Propecia include erectile dysfunction and decreased libido.

Propecia regrows hair by decreasing Dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a powerful male androgen made from Testosterone.

DHT shrinks hair follicles in men and women. The hair follicles eventually atrophy, causing permanent hair loss in men and women. Even low levels of DHT in the blood can cause significant hair loss in people who are sensitive to DHT.

Decreasing DHT in the blood and using DHT-blocking shampoos to remove DHT from the scalp will result in a healthy head of hair.

Bornstein, 69, told the paper he also takes Propecia to maintain his own shoulder-length tresses.

“He has all his hair. I have all my hair,” Bornstein said proudly.

The Manhattan doctor has been Trump’s primary physician since 1980.