Erectile Dysfunction

Did you know that the food you eat can kill your sex drive? Not all low sex drive is caused by erectile dysfunction. Your low sex drive can be caused by low testosterone. The food you eat can lower your testosterone and kill your sex life.

Testosterone is a sex hormone that controls the libido or sex drive in men and women. In men, testosterone builds muscle mass and strength, bone mass, and fat distribution. Testosterone is produced in women in much smaller amounts and influences muscle mass and bone mass.

A low testosterone level in men and women lowers the libido or sex drive.

A high testosterone level in women can cause acne, excess facial hair and body hair, male characteristics, male pattern balding and hair loss due to the increase in male androgens (male hormones) DHT and DHEA.

Below are foods you should remove from your diet to increase your T levels and put the spark back into your sex life.

1. Marijuana


African man smoking marijuana

Weed is not considered food though the herb is baked into cupcakes, cookies, muffins and other baked goods. Whether you smoke it or eat it, studies show that marijuana decreases testosterone levels for up to 24 hours.

2. Soy products


Soy Beans and Glass Of Soy Milk

Soybeans, soy lecithin, soybean oils and other soy products contains phyto-estrogenic isoflavones that can mimic the effects of estrogen by activating estrogen receptors. Soy also interferes with iodine uptake in the thyroid gland which suppresses the thyroid and causes low testosterone in men.

On the other hand, menopausal women and women diagnosed with PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) can suffer from acne, excess facial and body hair, hot flashes or hair loss/hair thinning. These women will benefit from consuming copious amounts of soy products.

3. Sugar


Sugary Donuts

Sugar is just flat out bad for your health. The recommended daily intake of sugar is 25 grams or 6 teaspoons. That’s less sugar than a can of soda! Sugar increases your insulin levels and drops your testosterone levels. One study shows that sugar drastically decreases your testosterone levels while increasing your estrogen levels, which stores fat in your stomach (beer belly).

4. Licorice


Asian couple eating licorice

Licorice tastes great but it drastically reduces your testosterone levels. If you have a sweet tooth for licorice, just remember that every bite ensures that you will not get another date with that woman you asked out on a date last night.

5. Mint (Peppermint, Spearmint…)


Woman Eating Stick of Candy

Mint may be great for fresh breath, but the menthol in mint lowers your testosterone levels. Mint definitely won’t double your pleasure or double your fun.

6. Flaxseed


Whole wheat grains, bread, oats and flax seed

Flaxseed products are loaded with Omega-3, aka “wellness molecules” which lowers your blood pressure and decrease risk of stroke. Another benefit is flaxseeds and flaxseed oil significantly reduce testosterone levels in men and women. In fact, women who suffer from acne, excessive facial and body hair or hair loss are advised to consume flaxseeds daily to decrease testosterone and the male androgen DHT by up to 86 percent!

7. Chocolate


Man serving chocolate

While chocolate is on the list of 50 Best Foods for Your Penis, it is also known to suppress testosterone and elevate estrogen in both men and women. That may be a good thing for women with PCOS who suffer from acne, male pattern balding or facial hair.

8. Spicy food


Hot Spicy Buffalo Wings

Spicy food kills the sex drive in both men and women by lowering testosterone. Black people smother our food in hot sauce, pepper, garlic, onions and other strong spices. There’s an old wives’ tale that black women and Asian women feed their men spicy hot buffalo wings and pepper steak steeped in bell peppers and soy sauce to kill the sex drive so their men will be less likely to cheat.

9. Beets



Beets are sweet, delicious and nutritious root vegetables that maintain healthy estrogen levels in women while depleting testosterone in men. Men who have trouble keeping it up in bed should avoid eating beets. Women who are diagnosed with PCOS should consider adding beets to your diet because beets lowers testosterone and DHTs, which causes acne, facial hair, thinning/shedding hair, and male characteristics in women.

10. Alcohol


Black men drinking beer

Drinking alcohol significantly lowers testosterone and sperm cell counts. Chronic alcoholics tend to have much higher estrogen levels, which adds mounds of fat to your belly and waistline.

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