Dylan Hafertepen, Jack Chapman

An Australian man died of a pulmonary emboli (silicone in his lung) after injecting silicone into his scrotum to appease his cult leader lover.

Jack Chapman, pictured right, was part of the dominance submission cult scene in Seattle, Washington. He went by the name “Pup Tank.”

Chapman, 28, died in a Seattle area hospital after going into respiratory arrest from the effects of silicone embolism syndrome last month, according to the Daily Mail UK.

Dylan Hafertepen, pictured left, led an “inflation fetish” cult that requires its members to inject their scrotums with liquid silicone.

The members of the cult injected silicone to please Hafertepen, who preferred men to look swole like him.

Chapman reportedly traveled from Melbourne, Australia to the U.S. to meet Hafertepen. He eventually moved in with Hafertepen and four other men.

In a dramatic episode of ‘The Project’ on Tuesday, Chapman’s mother, Linda Chapman, confronted Hafertepen, who traveled to Melbourne to deliver her son’s ashes to her.

Ms. Chapman was visibly shaken as she ordered Hafertepen out of her house. She blamed Hafertepen for her son’s death and told him to leave her home.

She described Jack as “Someone who feels so badly about themselves, someone who was vulnerable, who just wanted your love at any cost… and the cost of his life.”

Hafertepen’s Facebook page features photos of the muscular cult members — all with enlarged scrotums from injecting silicone.

Hafertepen refers to the men as “his pups” or “obedient puppies” who must act in submission to win his love and affection.

In the weeks before he died, Jack allegedly changed his will, leaving his $200,000 inheritance to Mr. Hafertepen, who is pictured below left.

No charges have been filed in Jack’s death.

Dylan Hafertepen