Photo by FayesVision/

Snoop Dogg is not afraid of catching Coronavirus. He assured his fans that he has some lung function left after smoking weed like a chimney for most of his life.

The 48-year-old rapper recorded a P.S.A. video on his Instagram stories to demonstrate how long he can hold his breath without having coughing fits.

Photo by Winston Burris/

The PSA was Snoop’s effort to prove to his fans that he has some lung function left. He thinks holding his breath for 10 seconds is proof that he is healthy.

Snoop, who is best known for his platinum-selling debut rap album Doggystyle (1993), also had a message for his younger fans.

“Stay close to your loved ones. Stay hydrated,” Snoop said in his video.

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People who smoke cigarettes or weed are most at risk if they contract the Coronavirus (Covid-19). The virus targets ACE2 enzymes in the lungs (and other organs) which it attaches to in order to infect human cells to make copies of itself.

A crucial lung process is the exchange of oxygen for carbon dioxide. People who smoke have less lung capacity and more damaged areas of their lungs where this crucial life process will not occur efficiently.

The CDC offers the following tips to avoid spreading the flu or Covid-19 virus to vulnerable elders like Snoop:

1. Wash your hands frequently with soap for at least 20 seconds
2. Don’t touch your eyes, nose or mouth with unwashed hands
3. Avoid close contact with sick people
4. Stay home if you are sick
5. Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces such as door handles, refrigerator handles, etc.