Beyonce hair weave

The debate still rages over an image of Beyonce posted by her mother Tina Lawson, who at 66 can troll with the best of ’em!

Ms. Tina captioned an Instagram photo of Beyonce standing in a bedroom-sized closet: “INCHES!!!! So happy my baby’s hair grew back !! She is going to get me.”

The debate rages on as social media users divide into two camps: those who know real hair when we see it and those who are blind and can’t see that her ponytail is hair extensions.

Beyonce and Toure

Here’s a picture of Beyonce’s weak ponytail from a few years ago. As you can see, Beyonce’s hair has never been as thick as the hair in Tina’s photo, which is clearly hair extensions.

The debate is OVER. Loyal reader NeverSurprised said it best yesterday:

“What do you expect? The woman’s “pregnant” belly FOLDED OVER in front of everyone’s eyes, and people STILL believe she gave birth. That should tell you the extent to which “groupthink” now rules the masses.”

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