Remember that $10 million mansion out in Beverly Hills that sources claimed she didn’t buy? Well, it turns out she did purchase that property after all — and she got it for a steal.

According to ONTD, Ri Ri saved $3 million in the deal! She reportedly negotiated the enormous discount on the luxurious eight-bedroom home in Beverly Hills after convincing real estate agents to drop their price.

Rihanna’s neighbors include Hollywood stars Jennifer Aniston, Courteney Cox, Milla Jovovich and Tom Cruise who worry that their properties might not sell at market value due to Rihanna’s 30% discount.

Rihanna and her assistant Melissa Forde toured the property today. It looks more like an office building than an actual house.

It doesn’t matter which direction the paparazzi’s are in, Rihanna’s friend Melissa always makes sure she’s facing them for that perfect shot.

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