I am probably one of the few black people on earth who doesn’t believe in Zodiac signs or horoscopes. I think horoscopes are about as believable as fortune cookies. That horoscope you read every morning could apply to anyone under any sign. It’s real only if you believe it’s real. That same principal of belief is what earned Miss Cleo and her infomercials over $1 billion before she was unmasked as a fraud by the federal government.

Anyway, yesterday a story in the Minneapolis Star Tribune set online social networks on fire. The story asserted that the dates of the zodiac signs have changed, and if you were, for instance, a Capricorn, you would now be Aquarius, etc. Naturally, a lot of people who follow that nonsense nearly lost their minds.

But nothing has changed, according to Jeff Jawer, an astrologer with Tarot.com, “This story is born periodically as if someone has discovered some truth. It’s not news.”

“When we look at the astrology used in the Western world, the seasonally based astrology has not changed, was never oriented to the constellations, and stands as … has been stated for two millenniums,” Jawer said.

People who put stock in astrology can ask whether they should adhere to the tropical zodiac or the sidereal zodiac. Jawer argues for the tropical. 1

“Astrology is geocentric. It relates life on Earth to the Earth’s environment, and seasons are the most dramatic effect, which is why we use the tropical zodiac,” he said.

Source: CNN