First and foremost, stalking is not funny. It is a federal offense in all 50 states and stalkers who are caught in the act can face up to 90 days in jail — or more if they commit bodily harm.
That being said, a local radio personality and blogger is herself the victim of stalking in the form of online death threats, and other threats of bodily harm, all because a Lisa Turtle lookalike accused her of being racist on Facebook.
Anh Vu of BeeHive FM radio took to her blog today to share her harrowing experience as a stalking victim with her readers.
Hey Friends,
After being threatened on my YouTube Channel numerous times by different people, I realized the epidemic of lonely, insecure, angry, bitter people in the world is REAL and not something to be played with. A woman took the time to steal pictures from my Facebook page and stole a clip from one of my YouTube videos and created a 10 min. video about me trying to depict me as a racist towards Black Women. Anyone that knows me personally knows that’s the furthest from the truth so I’m not even
going to dignify that with a response.This is a picture of the woman that made me a target in her video:
Anyway, this created a frenzy as I’m sure you can imagine other angry women and men came on her page to bash me. The bashing became so bad that people began to threaten to kick my ass if they ever see me out in public to a woman being bold enough to come on my actual YouTube channel and posted a threat to my life.
The reason I’m writing this blog is to help others that have been a target of negative publicity or threats.
Of course I know negative publicity is going to come with the territory but no one should have to put
up with threats!!You have rights and this is something that you CAN and SHOULD report. Do not let people get away
with the bullying. That’s what bullies do, they try to target those that they feel won’t do anything in