There is justice for little Caylee after all.

It looks like child killer Casey Anthony and her attorneys will have to wait one more year before she can sell her lies to the highest bidder.

A no-nonsense Florida judge has ordered Anthony back to Florida to begin serving a one year “supervised” probation within 3 days. This means Anthony can’t leave the state of Florida without the judge’s permission, and other restrictions on her movements.

Anthony’s release was blamed on a clerical error, according to London’s Daily Mail.

Judge Strickland, who heard the fraud case, sentenced her at the time to a year’s probation, which he said she should serve if and when she was ever released from jail.

But probation officers mistakenly had her serve the probation period while she was still in jail, allowing her to walk free on July 17 without any further legal constraints once she was acquitted of murder last month.

Now Judge Strickland has signed court documents demanding that Anthony – dubbed ‘America’s most hated mother’ by her detractors – to serve out her sentence as he originally intended.

‘From my reading of this, she should be reporting to probation in Orlando probably within 72 hours,’ he said today.

Anthony’s legal team plan to fight Judge Strickland’s latest order on the grounds that Anthony already served the probationary period while in prison.

The 25-year-old narcissist was released from prison last month after serving 3 years while awaiting her trial on charges of murdering her 2-year-old daughter, Caylee. A Florida jury found Anthony not guilty.