Loyal reader Joyce Igwefanu sent in this Morning Glory request for her gorgeous friend Rachel, who is auditioning to be 106 and Park’s new host (even though I heard that the BET hosts have already been chosen, but you didnt hear that from me).
Hi Sandra,
I read your blog all the time and I always appreciate hour cynical humor and bluntness which is why I keep coming back. I love how you just speak your mind even regarding the high and mighty (although I always frown at your Obama posts
). Anyway, I know that you usually post morning glory posts for upcoming personalities and models and I would be so so happy if you posted one of my friend Rachel Marete.
We both live in Los Angeles and read this site (I turned her on to it
) and we always enjoy it. Anyway, I would love to surprise her with this because she deserves it so much. She is such a hustler. She came from humble beginnings in Africa and now she is here pursuing her dream of being a TV host and journalist. I have never met a more driven positive person. She has the beauty and she could sleep her way to the top and all that stuff but I’ve never seen someone more down to earth and humble yet hard working. She’s intelligent and never takes any short cuts and she is always working to break through.
She inspires me everyday and I know in my heart of hearts she’ll make it one day. I am proud to know her. She was Miss Kenya 2005 at Miss Universe and she’s now a TV host. I know she’s done a lot of hosting jobs on red carpets but right now she works for Sky 664 in Europe as a host. Please Sandra, post my friend as your morning Glory and just incase you do, Rachel, I love you and I’m rooting for you and thank you for being an inspiration.
Here’s her audition video: http://youtu.be/xJjdOSoBUiw
Joyce Igwefanu
*Email edited for length
If you think you have what it takes to be considered for a Morning Glory post, please email your best studio quality photos and bikini shots to sandra @ sandrarose.com (remove spaces).
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