Nicki Minaj and Meek Mill

Rappers Nicki Minaj and Meek Mill‘s relationship is not exactly a storybook romance. In fact their relationship is not expected to last the year.

Now that Meek’s album, Dreams Worth More Than Money has debuted at #1 on the charts, he released a Vlog documenting their BET weekend experience. What we see in the video are two people going through the motions while using the other for publicity and street cred.

Their body language suggests they barely know each other. Look how she’s not facing Mill, and her left arm is down by her side. Why does Nicki always look bored when she’s pictured with him? I’m bored just looking at them.

Lacking is the afterglow that is usually present when a couple are intimately involved. Nicki always looks like she knows she made a mistake getting with Mill, but she has something to prove.

Is it true what they say that Nicki is Meek Mill’s beard?

YouTube video