Just so you know: this is the man that Barack Obama and the state department flew to the Middle East last week — on your dime — to perform Muslim outreach.

New audio has surfaced of the imam behind the controversial mosque near Ground Zero allegedly telling an audience overseas that the United States has been far more deadly than al-Qaeda. We tend to forget, in the West, that the United States has more Muslim blood on its hands than al-Qaeda” has on its hands of innocent non Muslims,” Feisal Abdul Rauf said at a 2005 lecture sponsored by the University of South Australia. Read more…

The most interesting exchange comes at the 1:40 mark when a woman in the audience asks Imam Rauf about Muslim men who go on suicide missions to bomb innocent women and children in the belief that they will be awarded with 72 virgins in Heaven.

She asked if there is something in the Qu’ran or their religion “that makes them more prepared to go off and die in the belief that they will be closer to God?”

Rauf answered the question by saying: “the Qu’ran says you shall have whatever your heart desires.”

Rauf also tosses the word “ni**ers” around to make a point about ethnic conflict. You think he could have made his point without the use of the N-word?