Remember that so-called “iconic” photo of U.S. President Barack Obama and his cabinet supposedly watching Osama bin Laden’s brains being splattered all over the monitor in the Situation Room in the White House?

You know the photo that — according to the left wing media — was supposed to be the “defining moment” of Barack Obama’s presidency?

Well, according to CNN, that photo might not be so iconic after all.

What made the photo so “iconic” (in the eyes of the media) was Secretary of State Hillary Clinton “dramatically” clasping her hand over her mouth. Supposedly she was in shock at what she was seeing.

CNN caught up with Hillary yesterday to ask her just what was she seeing on the screen.

It turns out Clinton may have been yawning, or even coughing when that picture was taken. According to her, she never saw the exact moment when Osama was shot because there was a video blackout.

“I am somewhat sheepishly concerned that it was my preventing one of my early spring allergic coughs. So, it may have no great meaning whatsoever,” she said.

If it’s true that Hillary was yawning, or coughing, then the picture instantly loses its place in history as one of the “most iconic photographs to emerge in the wake of Osama bin Laden’s killing.”

Aw, that’s too bad for the national media who now have less than a year to find another photo that defines Mr. Obama’s presidency.

I’m sure they’ll find one. Those media people are always hungry for that next “iconic moment” that they can pound into our brains through annoying repetition.