TV judge Greg Mathis has spoken out about the execution of cop killer Troy Davis. Davis, 42, was put to death by lethal injection on Wednesday at Georgia’s Diagnostic and Statistics prison for the shooting death of Savannah police Officer Mark MacPhail.
Judge Mathis offered his opinions about the case from the set of his television show.
“Despite the overwhelming doubt surrounding his guilt, Davis never received a new trial and was unjustly put to death by a lethal injection.” said Mathis, who added that Georgia had “blood on its hands” for executing Davis.
But Mathis was incorrect when he said Davis never received a new trial.
As many in the liberal media have already pointed out, Davis was granted an unprecedented chance to prove his innocence in 2009 when the U.S. Supreme court, citing a “substantial risk of putting an innocent man to death,” granted Davis a stay of execution and ordered a federal court in Georgia to hear Davis’ new evidence.
Davis’s attorneys were given an opportunity to present those 7 witnesses who claimed they were coerced into ID’ing Davis. But Davis’ attorneys refused to call several of those witnesses to the stand. Most likely because it would be obvious to the presiding judge that they were lying — or they didn’t want to perjure themselves under oath.
But as usual, Mathis and all the other Davis apologists ignore the obvious facts in the case and choose instead to offer their opinions based on their emotions.
It’s a good thing Judge Mathis doesn’t sit on the U.S. Supreme Court. There’s a reason why he’s a TV judge.
Watch Judge Mathis’ statement after the break.