Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton admits she passed out several times over the last 5 years.
Clinton made the revelation in a phone interview with CNN’s Anderson Cooper Monday night.
Clinton, 69, apparently suffered a seizure and collapsed at a 9/11 memorial event on Sunday.
Video taken by a bystander showed Secret Service agents bodily throwing Clinton into a van.
Her doctor later said Clinton was diagnosed with pneumonia on Friday.
When asked why she didn’t reveal her “pneumonia” diagnosis until Sunday, Clinton replied “I just didn’t think it was going to be that big a deal”.
Clinton denies fainting or losing consciousness at the 9/11 event. She insisted she was just “dizzy” after experiencing “overheating”. The temperature in NYC on Sunday morning was 77 degrees with a 10 mph wind.
Anderson, who went easy on the ailing Democratic nominee, asked her how many times she’s fallen in the last five years.
“Oh, I think, really only twice, uh, that I can recall,” she said. “Um, you know, it is something that uh, has, uh, occurred a few times over the course of my life. I’m aware of it, and usually can avoid it.”
Clinton’s collapse topped the news cycle on every major network on Monday.
“I’ve never seen a protectee go down like that, ever,” said former Secret Service agent Dan Bongino in an interview with Breitbart News Daily Sirius XM radio show on Monday.
“I’ve seen protectees get thirsty, get hungry, get a little woozy, sit down in a hold room. I have never seen a protectee literally faint.”
A doctor who called into the show said Clinton’s diagnosis of pneumonia was “kind of odd”.
“Generally, a doctor will not say, well, it’s perfectly okay for you to go outside, to a very crowded event, two days after she’s diagnosed with pneumonia,” said Dr. Jane Orient, the executive director of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons.