Kanye West Candace Owens

Kanye West sparked outrage when he praised popular conservative activist Candace Owens on Twitter.com. On Saturday, Kanye tweeted: “I love the way Candace Owens thinks”. Kanye’s tweet triggered furious tweets from leftwing radicals and Black Lives Matter supporters on Twitter.

On Sunday, Kanye wrote a series of tweets defending his support of Owens – a black female conservative who frightens the leftists in the mainstream media.

Kanye tweeted:

“The thought police want to suppress freedom of thought… we have freedom of speech but not freedom of thought. People demonize people and then they demonize anybody who sees anything positive in someone whose been demonized. We live in a time where people don’t respect people for being themselves. People respect people for following the general trend and consensus… there was a time when slavery was the trend and apparently that time is still upon us. But now it’s a mentality… self victimization is a disease”.

Owens gained a large rightwing following on her popular Youtube channel “Red Pill Black” (now Candace Owens), where she took on Black Lives Matter for being unwitting tools of the progressive left.

Owens transitioned from a liberal to a conservative after she became disillusioned with the “hate speech” from the left on social media. Watch one of her videos below.










YouTube video