Fox News contributor Kevin Jackson was fired hours after he called Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s accusers “lying skanks” while live-tweeting emotional testimony by Kavanaugh and one of his accusers on Thursday.
Dr. Christine Blasey Ford testified about an incident involving the Supreme Court nominee that occurred in the 1980s when they were both minors.
At least two other women came forward accusing Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct in the 1980s.
Jackson live-tweeted the hearings, referring to “Leftist” women as “skanky by nature.”
“Feminists are their own worst enemies, and enemy of women,” he tweeted on Thursday.
“Also, they want men to NEVER be believed. I’m not succumbing. TO HELL with the notion that women must be believed mo matter what. Lying skanks is what these 3 women are, and we ALL know more”.
Jackson referred to Kavanaugh’s 3rd accuser, Julie Swetnick, as the Democrats’ “latest Great Feminist Hope”.
He added: “Something tells me #Swetnick wasn’t at these parties for the DRINKS”. He included the hashtag: “#DraggingBottomOfBarrel”.
Fox News terminated Jackson on Thursday, calling his remarks “reprehensible.”