Dwyane Wade and Kaavia James Wade

Dwyane Wade tugged at heartstrings when he fed his infant daughter Kaavia James Wade from a bottle in an Instagram.com video.

The NBA star whispered to Kaavia while Bobby Brown’s “My Prerogative” blared loudly in the background.

The video was uploaded to Kaavia’s personal Instagram account, along with the caption,

“How you eat after they tell you dinner is at 6 but its 9 and they got the nerve to say a super long grace #ShadyBaby”.

IG followers noted that Kaavia is still using her chest muscles to pull air into her lungs. The process of breathing should be effortless without the obvious use of chest muscles.

Suprasternal retractions and head-bobbing are signs of respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) seen in preemies who were born without enough surfactant to inflate their lungs.

Surfactant is a substance that keeps the tiny air sacs in the lungs from collapsing when the baby exhales.