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An ungrateful son pushed his brand new BMW into a river because he told his parents he wanted a Jaguar for his birthday. The man from India was gifted the BMW for his 22nd birthday. He reportedly drove the vehicle to a river in Haryana, India, then pushed the luxury car into the river and watched the strong currents carry it downstream.

The man’s father was in shock. He said it took a crane to retrieve the car from the water. “I wanted to give my son a birthday present,” he told a reporter. “We could only afford to give him a BMW, while he kept on insisting that he be given a Jaguar. He said the [BMW] was too small but we thought he will be okay. We never imagined he would do anything like this.”

The father declined to press charges. He said his son has a history of mental health problems.

Authorities said there doesn’t appear to be enough evidence to charge the son. “We would do a preliminary investigation but this seems to be a personal matter. We will proceed according to the law,” officials said.

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