Bette Midler took to Twitter.com to plead with Beyonce’s faithful fanatics to mobilize and help defeat President Trump at the polls in 2020.
Midler is a very vocal critic of President Trump’s immigration policies.
In a tweet on Thursday, the aging actress noted pop singer Beyonce’s massive influence on Twitter. The 73-year-old Sagittarius also hoped a “regular bee hive” swarmed Trump and “fucked his shit up”.
She wrote:
“#Beyoncé has 133 million Instagram followers. More than double the people who voted for Trump. Wouldn’t it be amazing if the #BeyHive mobilized to defeat him? I also wouldn’t mind if a regular bee hive fucked his shit up.”
While many praised Midler’s tweet, others thought she was too old to harbor such hate and animosity.
Twitter was not supportive of the Diva’s outburst.
Wouldn’t it be amazing if YOU and y’all’s #WhiteGirlHive mobilized them trifling WHITE WOMEN that voted for that asshole instead of asking Black women to swoop in save y’all from yourselves? Thanks. pic.twitter.com/TtsuodXFij
— Kellee Terrell (@kelleent) September 20, 2019
Respectfully, Ms. M, women who look like Beyoncé did not elect Trump. Women who look like *us* did. We need to get our white ladies in line before we ask women of color to mobilize yet again to save our asses in a system where they are not nor have ever been treated equally.
— ashlie atkinson (@ashlieatkinson) September 20, 2019
I still remember you tweeting about women being the Niggers of the world so this tweet is simply an extension of that. Black women are not beholden to your whims of them fixing the world. Use your followers to make a difference and leave Beyoncé and the Beyhive alone.
— Kelechi (@kelechnekoff) September 20, 2019
Bette, I love you, but the only thing we need to say to the Beyhive as voters is thank you for your service and then we need to try not to let them down so badly in 2020 as we did in 2016.
— Alexandra Erin (@AlexandraErin) September 20, 2019
Being Black means hyper visibility. & Beyoncé is arguably the most visible Black woman in the world. It’s time to explore the anti-black reasons y’all always choose her & her fan base to antagonize. Mean while y’all let the Taylor Swift’s be exempt from social responsibility
— Dominic Williams, RN (@MyLifeAsDnic) September 19, 2019