This is not a drill. The National Rifle Association (NRA) is plastering highways with billboards to warn Virginians about the Democrats’ plan to begin forcefully confiscating guns from law-abiding citizens on January 8, 2020.
Virginia is ground zero for the Democrats’ anti-gun agenda with funding from billionaire presidential candidate Mike Bloomberg.
Democrat lawmakers in the state of Virginia have reportedly asked for $250,000 to prepare jails to receive “thousands” of law-abiding citizens who refuse to give up their guns.

Virginia Governor Ralph Northam, who survived that blackface/yearbook scandal, announced he is banning the sale of semi-automatic rifles and high-capacity magazines (bullets) in the state.
He also plans to restore a law that limits gun purchases to one gun a month.
These sort of things take time to go into effect, so Northam is empowering the courts in Virginia to begin confiscating guns from any “person deemed to be a risk to himself or others” on January 8.
“We will at least start with those,” he reportedly said during a Cabinet meeting in early November.
Considering Northam’s history of wearing blackface, it isn’t difficult to guess who “those” people are.
When asked about confiscating guns from law-abiding citizens, Northam said “that’s something I’m working on.”
In response to Northam’s threats, 90% of the counties and towns in Virginia have been declared sanctuaries from the Democrats’ anti-gun agenda.
In the 1800s Virginia was a bustling port for the slavery trade. The Underground Railroad was formed there to free nearly 1,000 slaves in the South.