L.A. County District Attorney Jackie Lacey has apologized after her husband pulled a gun on a group of Black Lives Matter activists.
The incident happened Monday morning outside the Laceys’ Granada Hills home. The group accused the DA of not being tougher on officer-involved shootings and other high-profile crimes.
BLM activist Melina Abdullah (@DocMellyMel) recorded the incident on her cell phone when Lacey’s husband, David, opened the front door and pointed a firearm at them.
“I’m front of DA Jackie Lacey’s house for that community meeting she promised with the @BLMLA crew. Rang her bell to invite her. Her husband pulled a gun, cocked it, pointed it at my chest and said ‘I’ll shoot you. I don’t care who you are.'”
In the video, David yells “Get off my porch!”
“Good morning,” says a female voice. “Are you gonna shoot me?”
“I will shoot you,” says David Lacey. “Get off of my porch,” he repeats.
“Can you tell Jackie Lacey that we’re here?”
“I don’t care who you are,” David replies. He told the group he was calling the police before closing the door.
The police arrived at the scene minutes later, but no arrests were made.
Lacey, who is up for reelection, tearfully apologized for her husband’s actions. She said he was scared because she has received death threats in the past.
“It was just him and I in that house, and we really didn’t know what was about to happen,” she said while fighting back tears.
Lacey said she hopes to be reelected to a third term to continue serving the people of LA County.
Black Lives Matter activists said they approached Lacey’s front door because she has refused to meet with them.
I’m front of DA Jackie Lacey’s house for that community meeting she promised with the @BLMLA crew. Rang her bell to invite her.
Her husband pulled a gun, cocked it, pointed it at my chest and said “I’ll shoot you. I don’t care who you are.” @WP4BL @RealJusticePAC @shaunking pic.twitter.com/WtazUWSJIC
— Melina Abdullah (@DocMellyMel) March 2, 2020