Melinda Gates, wife of billionaire Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates, warns there will be bodies in the streets of Africa if her husband’s COVID-19 vaccines aren’t widely distributed.
In an interview with CNN, Melinda Gates said COVID-19 is going to “be horrible in the developing world.” She added there will be “bodies in the streets of Africa.”
“Look at Ecuador,” she said, adding “They’re putting bodies out on the street. You’re going to see that in countries in Africa.”
Gates said she and her husband have been “heavily invested” in the vaccine development for some time.
She said Bill’s vaccinations will be the “ultimate solution” to solving coronavirus in the world.
But critics accuse Bill Gates of using his vaccines as his own personal depopulation tools. Many say Bill has a nefarious agenda for his vaccines.
He reportedly wants to issue Covid-19 “digital certification” ID chips that will identify people who had the vaccine. In fact, COVID stands for Certificate of Vaccination ID.
“These people wanted Corona to spread like crazy in Africa and then offer their ‘help’ via vaccine. There’s a growing resentment against them, a lot of Africans don’t want them there,” wrote on Twitter user.