Many unemployed Americans who received an extra $600 pr week in unemployment benefits will lose the additional checks because of a quirk in the system.
The extra benefits are set to expire at the end of July, but many jobless Americans will stop receiving the extra $600 checks on July 25 or July 26.

The extra $600 benefits is set to expire on July 31. After that, jobless recipients will receive only their state’s minimum unemployment checks.
Congress is unlikely to extend the $600 benefits to millions of unemployed Americans.
Republican lawmakers said they will include an extension of the unemployment benefits at a 70% wag replacement. That means some Americans will receive an additional $175 to $200 a week, down from $600 a week.
But the White House has said it will not back their stimulus plan if it extends the $600 unemployment benefits.
Republican Sen. Rob Portman, from Ohio, says extending the $600 weekly benefits past July would be a disincentive to return to work if Americans receive more money than they would if they were working.
An additional 1.4 million Americans filed for unemployment this week.