The headline isn’t true, but inquiring minds want to know why our people have a habit of brawling in public spaces.
Two separate brawls occurred at Miami International Airport last week. No one knows what triggered the fisticuffs. Concerned Caucasian passengers screamed at the combatants: “STOP IT! You’re gonna get in trouble!”
No one wants to see more Black men dead or end up in prison. Security eventually showed up, but they stood around and did nothing to break up the fights.
Social experts who study such trends believe the increase in fights at airports is directly related to excess government benefits. Unemployment and stimulus checks allows more freedom for people who would normally stay home and fight.
A record 34% of household income in 2021 comes from government benefits.
Today at Miami International Airport outside Urban Decay at Gate D14 #BecauseMiami pic.twitter.com/wRnXh8f7dS
— Billy Corben (@BillyCorben) April 25, 2021
If the Miami brawls weren’t bad enough, two brawls broke at Chicago’s O’Hare Airport this week.
This time the combatants were Black women. Hair extensions and wigs littered the concourse as the two groups of women fought.
Once again, concerned white people stepped in to break up the fights.
Watch the video below.
Chicago O’Hare Airport pic.twitter.com/8uznkb6H6A
— crypto lefty? (@leftyinvests) April 30, 2021