Jada Pinkett Smith’s tell-all memoir, Worthy failed to crack the top 20 of any major booksellers list. Some media outlets are using the word “flop” to describe Jada’s book sales.
Jada shocked fans when she revealed she and husband Will Smith lived apart for the past 7 years.
The book was heavily promoted in the news media, on blogs, and on daytime talk shows. But, according to reports, Worthy sold just 2,700 copies on Amazon.com — enough to peak at number 3 on Amazon’s most-read books chart for the week of October 22.
The 52-year-old author managed to land at number 81 on Amazon’s main bookseller chart.
She finished just behind Britney Spears’ blockbuster memoir, The Woman In Me, according to Newsweek.
By Wednesday evening, Worthy had slipped down the Amazon chart to number 84.
“Notably, the main bestsellers chart only tracks sales, whereas Jada’s book placed in the top three on the online retailers charts that track both sales and the number of Kindle readers and Audible listeners working through the book, suggesting that more people were interested in her memoir than were willing to shell out for a copy they could own.” Source