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Black Twitter questions why Beyonce’s hair is “damaged” when she practically grew up in her mother’s hair salon in Texas.

Beyonce shared a behind-the-scenes look at her hair styling routine on Monday. The video was in response to people who wonder why she promotes hair products while wearing her real hair under wigs and extensions.

In the video, a stylist shampoos and conditions Bey’s thick and luxurious hair.

In a voiceover, Beyonce said: “The stigma and misconception is that people who wear wigs don’t have long and healthy hair. That’s some bull****, because it ain’t nobody business!”

But some fans are not convinced that Beyonce’s hair wasn’t purchased from a store.

They noticed her damaged ends and her hairline that is “too perfect” for a woman who wore weave all her life.

One person tweeted: “Beyoncé grew up in a hair salon, is rich, has the best resources, and has a personal hairstylist. Why would she have damaged hair?”

The BeyHive defended their idol on Black Twitter.

“Maybe because she’s an entertainer. A lot of them complain about how the job requires a lot of heat and hair manipulation and it causes damage,” one person wrote.

While a third person wrote: “Most black women were not taught to properly care for their hair.”