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Beyonce hasn’t been seen in public since April. Her unexplained absence is causing concern among her music industry friends.

There is speculation that Beyonce and her husband, Jay Z, are nervous about being linked to Sean Combs’ sex scandal.

According to Page Six, Beyonce and Jay Z’s friends are preparing to file a missing-persons report.

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Beyonce has been missing in action at a time when she should be promoting her country music album, which is slipping on the charts.

via Page Six — With her once-blazing country album, Cowboy Carter, already going the way of the tumblin’ tumbleweed, biz vets say the superstar has inexplicably gone AWOL.

And insiders are muttering that it might be because she and husband Jay-Z are nervous about showing their faces during Diddy’s vast abuse scandal, lest they draw attention to their longtime friendship with the disgraced hip-hop mogul.

A shocked source tells Page Six: “This was supposed to be Beyoncé’s time, with her much-anticipated country album out [just] two months ago. And yet, she is nowhere to be seen. The album is slipping and Jay and B aren’t reveling in the spotlight.”

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The source continued: “About a month before the [March 29] release, Jay Z got up at the Grammys and whined that Beyoncé had never won Album of the Year. But now what? Does he think she will win… for ‘Cowboy Carter’ with no promotion… no appearances and no wooing of the academy?”

Insiders wonder whether Beyonce or Jay Z are seen in freak-off videos seized from Combs’ homes during federal raids earlier this year.


According to CNN, two sources familiar with the case say Combs’ accusers appeared before a federal grand jury in New York City in May.

That could mean a grand jury indictment against Combs is forthcoming.