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The California Senate Appropriations Committee unanimously approved state bill AB 1840 giving home loans to illegal immigrants.

The $300 million bill allows undocumented immigrants access to the state’s zero down, no payment “loan” program.

The controversial bill extends the eligibility for California’s first generation homebuyer loan program to undocumented immigrants who have no credit history.

The so-called “Dream For All” loan bill prohibits lenders from rejecting a loan applicant based on their immigration status.

The bill has already passed the Assembly and will now advance to a floor vote in the Senate.

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“The social and economic benefits of homeownership should be available to everyone. As such, the California Dream for All Program should be available to all,” wrote bill author Assemblymember Joaquin Arambula, a Democrat. “When undocumented individuals are excluded from such programs, they miss out on a crucial method of securing financial security and personal stability for themselves and their families,” he added.
READ ALSO: Kamala Harris proposes $25K for first-time homebuyers
The news comes days after Kamala Harris proposed $25,000 in down payment assistance for first generation homebuyers.

The bill sparked outrage on social media on Wednesday.

FBA civil rights leader Tariq Nasheed shared a link to an article about the bill’s passage on “While all the Black people are partying and twerking at the DNC conventions, here is where the money is going…”

Nasheed is among the civil rights leaders calling for reparations for Foundational Black Americans (FBA) who are descendants of African slaves.

Black Americans who have been Democrats since birth expressed confusion and disappointment on