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Earlier this month, TikTok influencers claimed armed Venezuelan gangs took over an apartment complex in Aurora, Colorado.

They claimed the heavily armed gangs forced Black people out of their apartments and are charging rent.

However, Aurora police denied the claims. According to FOX 31, the city condemned the buildings as unsafe. Aurora officials gave the residents 6 days to move out before the utilities were shut off.

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Now there are reports that armed gangs of illegal immigrants have taken over another apartment complex in Aurora.

New video shows heavily armed gang members patrolling a building and entering an occupied apartment.

One resident said women are being sex trafficked and gangs also deal drugs in the complex.

Aurora City Councilwoman Danielle Jurinsky told Fox News Digital that “Without a doubt there is sex trafficking now going on.”

“This is organized. They patrol the property with guns visibly, like they’re not trying to hide them. There’s no repercussion,” the resident said.

One former resident, who moved out of the building on Wednesday with the assistance of City Councilwoman Jurinsky, said to Fox News Digital, “I literally had to borrow from everybody I know to get into a new place. And it’s every bit of money I had.”

She also credited Fox News Digital with helping her move out of the troubled complex.

“Through the help of Fox News actually, they connected us with the councilwoman who, Danielle Jurinsky, pulled together all the resources to get us some help and get us out of there.”

Denver Police officials told FOX 31 on Wednesday that they are “not aware” of any gangs taking over buildings in the area.

But the former resident said the police didn’t help her when she complained about the gangs.

“Literally, their answer to me was, ‘You ever think about moving?’ That’s what they told me, and I started crying,” the resident said.

“There’s no help coming for any of us. The police have checked out. They’re not on our side.”

More than 10 million illegal immigrants have crossed the border into the U.S. during President Joe Biden’s term in office.

Vice President Kamala Harris proposed $650 million to complete former President Donald Trump’s wall at the border.

Democrats previously said Trump’s border wall was “racist”.