Photo of laundromat fight

A Venezuelan immigrant who tried to force his way into a laundromat on Chicago’s East Side was kicked out by a security guard for stealing clothing from the machines previously.

Former mayoral candidate Ja’Mal Green shared the video on X (Twitter) on Thursday. He captioned the video: “The Illegal Migrant & Black race relations are continuing to boil over. A migrant was recently banned from a neighborhood laundromat for stealing on the east side of Chicago, security was directed to keep him from inside.”

The cell phone video shows a young Hispanic male trying to force his way past a young Black male standing in the doorway of the laundromat. “You can’t come in here bro. You gotta leave… Go home,” the security guard said patiently.

But the immigrant continued to push his way inside. A Latina woman who was with him recorded the encounter on her cell phone.

The migrant told the security guard to pay him for his jacket that was ripped during the altercation.

The migrant shoved the security guard, who retaliated by knocking him out with a left uppercut to the jaw.

A person behind the camera encouraged the security guard to “Beat his a*s, beat his a*s on foe nem ’cause he doing too much!”

The immigrant’s wife then attacked the security guard – who gently pushed her to the side.

The scuffle escalated dramatically when the Latina slapped the security in his face.

Photo of laundromat

That’s when a female customer jumped in and helped security escort the couple outside along with their shopping cart full of dirty laundry.

Chicago is a Sanctuary City where illegal immigrants are given money, food and shelter – all paid for by Chicago taxpayers.

Watch the video below.