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We all remember our first paycheck back in the day. A viral video is bringing back those memories.

A single mom shared video of her teenage son receiving his first paycheck from McDonald’s.

Mother and son exchanged small talk in her car as he tore open the envelope. Based on the teenager ‘s calculations, he expected to receive “about two hundred and something.”

His eyes lit up when he saw the amount printed on his paycheck.

“After tax what’s that?” he asked his mom. “That is after tax,” she responded.

“Heyyy, he got some money!” his mom said as they both celebrated.

“Oh shoot! That’s hard. All right bet, let’s take it to the bank then,” he said.

The undated video was viewed over 274,000 times on Most of the commenters remember the excitement they felt when they received their first paychecks.

One person said a first paycheck was a “rite of passage for all men.”

American boys traditionally give their mothers 10%-20% of their first paychecks to help out with household bills.