I saw this video on other sites but I never watched it because I wasn’t interested in seeing a man slap a woman. I don’t get my kicks by watching men act like bitches.

But out of curiosity I decided to watch the video when a loyal reader sent it to me today. What interested me about this video was what happened after the Indian guy slapped the female:

He got his ass kicked by real men and started crying like bitches do.

That wouldn’t have happened here in America. Especially in the black community where boys are raised by black women who don’t respect themselves or other women. So when a black man slaps a female, other black men just stand around and gawk or urge the man on… ’cause that’s how they were raised.

There was a time when men were raised to believe they were the protectors of females. But those days are long gone – at least in our community.

Thank God there are still a few of us left who hold onto the values instilled in us by our parents. I raised my nephew to be a man, not a bitch. So when he was a shorty and a girl slapped him in school. He came home and proudly announced that he didn’t hit her back.

He’s 27 now and to this day when we talk about the arguments he has with his baby mama, he informs me that he never hits her because he’s a man and he knows he is stronger than she is.

My nephew knows that hitting females doesn’t make him a man. Knowing that he’s a man is what separates him from these knuckleheads running around here calling themselves men. Just imagine how young black females would begin to respect themselves if we taught our black boys to respect them.

Thanks to loyal reader Danyel for the vid link!